We were sad to have to cancel, but due to weather conditions the Senior Sunset Cruise and BRHS Bonfire scheduled for 5/24/23 have been canceled.
With upcoming events related to graduation, the closing of the school year and rescheduling of spring athletic competitions due to weather related cancelations we most likely will not be rescheduling a bonfire this spring. There will be a bonfire scheduled as an early fall event as part of the BRHS Homecoming festivities. Our student elections are happening now so that the Student Council can begin planning this activity as soon as we have the football schedule in hand and can pick the dates (usually with in the first 3 weeks of school)
The end of the school 2022-2023 year is here. We have Final Exams just around the corner and a fun Field Day planned for our school community to help relieve some of the stress between exams. Our focus now is a strong closing of the year for all of our students and a big celebration of our graduating seniors!
Thank you for your understanding and support.