Greetings BRHS Parent/Guardian(s)

We have completed the first week of remote learning.  The dedicated and talented faculty at BRHS have transformed their curriculum to support Distance Learning. Each day our inspiring teachers are reaching out, connecting with students to support their emotional health and wellness as well as their academic growth. 

All BRHS students should be actively engaged and participating in their remote learning at this time. Each student has a faculty (homeroom) Advisor. If they have any questions or need support they can contact their Advisor. They will be available to help in any way that they can. Individual course faculty have contacted their classes and set learning expectations and outlined assignments. BRHS teachers are teaching and available to students Monday-Friday 8 am-3 pm. If you have any questions, not sure who your child’s Advisor is, please contact BRHS Guidance Counselor Leanne Burnham ( She and her assistant, Teresa Tess ( will do all that they can to help you. Quarter 3 has been extended and closes on April 7th.

“Practical wisdom is knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do.” I have been thinking about that a lot lately as a parent. In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, how do we make wise choices? How can we be responsive instead of reactive? What do we do when we do not know what to do? As parents, every challenge –big or small—is a chance to model for our children how to navigate life’s uncertainties with the most practical wisdom we can muster.

You are doing a good job. You are doing the best that you can. Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” We are all in this together. Our older children –teens and tween- are more accurately aware of the news cycle than our younger children. I encourage you to talk with them. Fill in gaps and correct misinformation.

We cannot underestimate the social and family bonds that can be strengthened when we face challenges together. These moments are a chance to pull close; to reach outward in solidarity; and to show our kids that we can figure out “what to do when we don’t know what to do.”

At this time, All AOS 98 schools are closed through April vacation (April 27th). Superintendent Laser has been in close communication with the Administrative Team. I will continue to update you as information comes in and decisions are made. While we take things one day-at-a-time, the staff and faculty at BRHS continue to look ahead so that we can do our best for students and families.

My heart is with you,

 *BRHS Student Absence Form.…/technol…/parents/remote-learning…

Tricia Campbell M.Ed., C.A.G.S.
Interim Principal BRHS 
Assistant Principal BRES
AOS 98
236 Townsend Avenue
Boothbay Harbor, ME