Boys Varsity high school basketball on 1/11 will be a varsity only game at 1:00. NYA does not have a JV team.
about 2 months ago, Allan Crocker
The BRHS field hockey gave v. Oak Hill has been postponed to tomorrow, 10/8, with a 3:30 start time.
5 months ago, Allan Crocker
If you are attending the BRHS football game in Sacopee Valley tonight, please note that they do charge $3 for adults and $1 for students and seniors. It is veterans appreciation night and admission is free for any former or current service members. Pets are not allowed in the sports complex unless they are registered service animals.
6 months ago, Allan Crocker
BRHS Practice Schedule Week of 8/19 Cross Country: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 7:30am to 9:00 am Tuesday: 9:00 - 10:45 Field Hockey: Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 9:30 Football: Monday-Friday: 5:30 - 7:30
7 months ago, Allan Crocker
Fall sports begin Monday for Boothbay Region High School. Practice times are: Cross Country - 7:30am - 9:00am Field Hockey - 8:00am - 10:00am Football - 5:30pm - 7:30pm A reminder that all athletes need to have a current physical (within the past two years) and insurance to participate.
7 months ago, Allan Crocker
Fall sports begin Monday for Boothbay Region High School. Practice times are: Cross Country - 7:30am - 9:00am Field Hockey - 8:00am - 10:00am Football - 5:30pm - 7:30pm A reminder that all athletes need to have a current physical (within the past two years) and insurance to participate.
7 months ago, Allan Crocker
Boothbay Region High School is hiring a head field hockey coach for the 2024 fall season. If interested please contact Allan Crocker at
9 months ago, Allan Crocker
The BRHS girls tennis team will pay their match at the Waynflete athletic complex: 283 Osgood St.Portland, ME
9 months ago, Allan Crocker
The baseball game at Oak Hill has been moved to Monmouth Middle School, start time 5:00. The new departure time is 2:15. Players will be dismissed at 2:00.
9 months ago, Allan Crocker
Today's (5/27) BRHS baseball game at Oak Hill is postponed due to weather.  The game will be tomorrow provided we can get officials and transportation.
9 months ago, Allan Crocker
The girls tennis match v. Spruce that was rescheduled for today is postponed and will now be played on May 21st at Spruce Mountain.
10 months ago, Allan Crocker
Re: BRHS girls tennis: The weather forecast is the exact same as it was yesterday in Wilton and it turned out to be the right decision to postpone. We are going to postpone the girls tennis match at Spruce Mt. today and try to play it tomorrow, same times.
10 months ago, Allan Crocker
The BRHS boys tennis match schedule for today at Spruce Mountain is being postponed due to the threat of rain and thunderstorms in Wilton at match time.
10 months ago, Allan Crocker
BRHS Boys Tennis at Spruce Mountain has been postponed, no make-up date has been determined at this time.
10 months ago, Allan Crocker
The home BRHS boys tennis match v. Carrabec scheduled for today has been postponed. No make-up date has been set at this time.
10 months ago, Allan Crocker
BRHS Spring Sports pictures are tomorrow (4/30) after school. All athletes need to bring their uniforms. If you would like to order photos, go to and enter code FM449070
10 months ago, Allan Crocker
Today's BRHS boys tennis match v. Carrabec has been postponed due to the chance of rain.
10 months ago, Allan Crocker
BRHS pitchers and catchers for baseball begin on Monday, March 18th. All players are able to attend. Be ready to practice in the gym or outside depending on the weather. Practice time for the week is 4:00. Please make sure that you have an updated physical (within the past 2 years)
12 months ago, Allan Crocker
School board meeting schedules, agendas, and minutes for all AOS98 Schools are available on the school board website:
about 1 year ago, Evelyn Andrews
Due to a lack of players, tonight's unified game basketball game at BRHS has been cancelled. We apologize for the short notice.
about 1 year ago, Allan Crocker